在山 发表于 2007-10-2 21:15:06

求助:请问英语当中 reprehensvie 有“代表”之意吗?

reprehensive 在字典里一般释为“谴责的”,但我在中国常驻联合国代表团的网页中看见如下句子:

Statement by Deputy Permanent Reprehensive of China to the UN Ambassador Liu Zhenmin at the Thematic Debate on Development of 61st UNGA Session


请问各位 reprehensive 在英语中有“代表”之意吗?

[ 本帖最后由 在山 于 2007-10-2 21:46 编辑 ]

在山 发表于 2007-10-2 21:58:55


疁城小囡 发表于 2007-10-2 22:00:29


mandarin 发表于 2007-10-2 22:04:18


在山 发表于 2007-10-2 22:05:40

我也很怀疑是 representative 来着。可是我一搜索,还真能看见用 reprehensive 的,搞得我疑神疑鬼,以为 reprehensive 产生出啥新意思了。但是查 www.m-w.com/之类的字典,提也没提到“代表”这方面的意思。

Main Entry: rep·re·hen·sive
Pronunciation: -'hen(t)-siv
Function: adjective
: serving to reprehend : conveying reprehension or reproof

[ 本帖最后由 在山 于 2007-10-2 22:09 编辑 ]

双相障碍 发表于 2007-10-3 14:39:58

Oxford English Dictionary:

Of the nature of reprehension; containing reproof. Now rare.
1589 PUTTENHAM Eng. Poesie I. xiii. (Arb.) 46 The said auncient Poets vsed for that purpose, three kinds of poems reprehensiue. 1592 Nobody & Someb. in Simpson Sch. Shaks. (1878) I. 299 What I did speake in reprehensive sort. 1609 BP. W. BARLOW Answ. Nameless Cath. 22 He answereth by an Interrogation, such as the Rhetoricians call..a question reprehensiue. 1671 WOODHEAD St. Teresa I. Pref. 4 Words consolatory, Instructive, Reprehensive. 1748 RICHARDSON Clarissa (1811) III. xl. 231, I give you sincere thanks for every line of your reprehensive letters. 1825 CULBERTSON Lect. Revel. xii. 160 The body of this epistle consists of two parts; one of which is commendatory, and the other reprehensive. 1845 A. DUNCAN Disc. 159 The benignity of the Deity became a reprehensive witness, reproving and condemning their errors.
    Hence reprehensively adv.

1631 Celestina Ep. Ded. Aiijb, Sithence it is written reprehensively, and not instructively. 1678 CUDWORTH Intell. Syst. I. iv. 226 Xenophanes..reprehensively admonished the Egyptians after this manner.

[ 本帖最后由 双相障碍 于 2007-10-3 14:42 编辑 ]
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