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发表于 2014-5-13 16:18:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 乌程仔 于 2014-5-13 16:19 编辑

发表于 2014-5-13 18:48:01 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-13 20:39:12 | 显示全部楼层
钱塘知府 发表于 2014-5-13 18:48

发表于 2014-6-8 00:17:13 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Skatinginbc 于 2014-6-8 05:32 编辑

I think 莫 was a surname of the aboriginal people then.  It means "big, many" (Proto-Austroasiatic *mak, Proto-Thai *ma:k), as in 莫湖 "big lake", whence came the name 太湖 "great lake".  It also constitutes part of the official title 莫敖, the highest official of 楚国 (莫 "big", 敖 "master, sir" 《註》無號諡者,楚皆謂之敖).  The word was borrowed into Old Chinese and showed up in 《莊子·逍遙遊》廣莫之野。《註》莫,大也。
发表于 2014-6-8 05:22:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Skatinginbc 于 2014-6-8 21:28 编辑

The ethnic background of 干將 (i.e., 莫邪's husband) is hard to determine.  古代有干國(also written as 邗), 據說乃周武王姬发之子姬邗叔所建。 周代中叶后, 由徐州南迁临淮, 后再南迁邗城 (扬州), 春秋時被吳國所滅, 干人融入吴,称干吴。 吴王夫差开凿邗沟 (通淮河和长江的运河).  越王禽夫差於干隧 (今蘇州西北).  越灭吴,干吴转为干越。  吴有干地, 故多干姓.  干 as a substitute for 㵎/澗(山夾水也) "ravine, gully" was attested in 《詩·小雅》秩秩斯干.  It was a near synoym of 沟 (干沟) "gouge, channel" and 隧 (干隧) "mountain pass, channel".  In 江東, it often means 澗谷,澗井 (山谷,山凹)  "glen, col, basin" (刘逵: 江东谓山冈閒为‘干’, 建鄴之南有山, 其閒平地, 吏民居之, 故号为‘干’.  宋 王象之: 江东谓山陇之间曰干).  Note the difference in pronunciation between Central Plain dialect 澗  (OC *krānh) and Southern dialect 干 (OC *kān).  The latter was probably influenced by an aboriginal language, perhaps from the verb form *kan "to notch" (e.g., Proto-Austro-Asiatic kVn "to cut", Miao-Yao gen, Proto-Thai: ka:n, Khmer kan'; cf. Proto-Austro-Asiatic *kɔ:ŋ "mountain").  Later, it evolved into 灨 (MC *kɒm, 通作贛) in the 江西 dialect (cf. Proto-Austro-Asiaitc *kom "bowl" ≈ basin).  Since there possibly existed an aboriginal language or languages able to account for the meanings of "notch" (a narrow pass between mountains) and "basin" (a bowl-shaped depression in the surface of the land), I am not sure whether 干 and 澗 are related through borrowing or they are actually false cognates.  Anyway, 干將莫邪 could be an interracial couple: a Chinese husband with an aboriginal wife.   
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